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Using Rainforest Research Information Sheets

The Rainforest CRC produced a series of information sheets entitled Using Rainforest Research to feature the results and findings of Centre research. Many of the information sheets were produced by postgraduate students as a result of their PhD or Masters studies.

More than forty articles are available for download here in PDF format. Click on the information sheet title to download.

File Size
Date of Issue
626 Kb
Mar 2003
Faunal Underpasses: Assuring animal safety on Wet Tropics Roads
746 Kb
Mar 2003
Craning for a better view of pollination
523 Kb
Mar 2003
The bad, the worse and the ugly: Pest animals in the Wet Tropics
648 Kb
Mar 2003
Indigenous Cultural Values of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area
2.0 Mb
Aug 2002
Hidden forest gardens: Microfungal communities thrive on the rainforest floor
2.0 Mb
Aug 2002
Keeping cool when the heat's on: Aquatic insects in rainforest streams
2.0 Mb
Apr 2002
Where earth meets sky: Cloud forests of the Wet Tropics
2.1 Mb
Apr 2002
Feral Fruit: Pond apple infests north Queensland
1.9 Mb
Apr 2002
Why did the ringtail cross the road?
2.0 Mb
Sep 2001
Birds sing the history of the rainforest
1.7 Mb
Sep 2001
Fishes in the forest: High biodiversity and endemism
1.8 Mb
Sep 2001
Dust from walking tracks: Impacts on rainforest leaves and epiphylls
1.9 Mb
Sep 2001
The new and the known: Describing freshwater fish species
2.0 Mb
May 2001
Rainforest weeds and their ways: The need for vigilance
2.2 Mb
May 2001
Ears wide open: Are rainforest possums affected by human noise?
1.8 Mb
May 2001
Forestry plantations on private lands: Early growth rates encouraging
1.7 Mb
May 2001
Getting the jump on frog disease!!
2.1 Mb
May 2001
Paradox of the pig: Feral status and control in the Wet Tropics
2.0 Mb
Feb 2001
How roads and powerlines impact on rainforest micro-climate
2.4 Mb
Feb 2001
Tree plantations can enhance rainforest regeneration
1.8 Mb
Feb 2001
Seeing through the clouds and trees: Using Radar Systems to map rainforest health
1.9 Mb
Feb 2001
Measuring erosion on unsealed roads through the rainforest
2.1 Mb
Feb 2001
Rainforest beetles in dead wood: Could logging be their downfall
1.6 Mb
Jan 2000
Root establishment strategies of rainforest seedlings
1.6 Mb
Jan 2000
If shrimps could fly: Genetic flow and dispersal of aquatic insects in separated river systems
1.8 Mb
Jan 2000
Trial by fire: Survival of the northern bettong
1.6 Mb
Jan 2000
Landholder attitudes to farm forestry in north Queensland
1.8 Mb
Aug 1999
Spiny mountain crayfish: An evolutionary tale
1.7 Mb
Aug 1999
Fishy genes tell us about the past
1.9 Mb
May 1999
Lumholtz's Tree-Kangaroo: Conserving a rare marsupial
1.8 Mb
May 1999
Understanding Ethnic Tourists: The Tjapukai experience
1.7 Mb
May 1999
Rainforest plantations: Restoring productivity and biodiversity to degraded lands
1.9 Mb
Feb 1999
Marsupials in the mist: A home with a view, or declining mountain-top refuge?
2.1 Mb
Feb 1999
What's in a stream? Using stream residents to monitor stream health
1.6 Mb
Feb 1999
An inordinate fondness for beetles
2.2 Mb
Nov 1998
Shrinking forests: What lizards can tell us about fragmented rainforest habitats
1.9 Mb
Nov 1998
Northeast Queensland's endangered wet sclerophyll forests: For the birds?
2.0 Mb
Oct 1998
Checking out frog declines with NASA
778 Kb
May 1998
Rainforest masks a deadly disease
613 Kb
May 1998
Spotted-Tailed Quolls: Living fast and dying young
435 Kb
Mar 1998
Creating tools to manage the rainforest
591 Kb
Mar 1998
A brighter future for the mahogany glider
408 Kb
Feb 1998
Fire histories from space
666 Kb
Feb 1998
Educating visitors: What are the benefits for tourism?
606 Kb
Nov 1997
What species to grow? Some factors affecting the choice of trees for farm forestry
727 Kb
Nov 1997
Signs, signs everywhere, but are they being read?
632 Kb
Nov 1997
Sex and the single species
603 Kb
Sep 1997
Possums under the spotlight