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Report No. 24

Measuring and Monitoring Impacts of Visitation and Use in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area 2001/2002: A Site Based Bioregional Perspective

Research Report
Joan M. Bentrupperbäumer and Joseph P. Reser
ISBN 0 86443 694 7

This report provides an overview of ten individual Site-level Data Reports generated for selected sites within the Wet Tropics that are known to attract high visitor numbers. Individual reports that including comprehensive data sets were produced for Mossman Gorge, Lake Barrine, the Crater, Barron Falls, Marrdja Boardwalk, Murray Falls, Henrietta Creek, Goldsborough Valley, Big Crystal Creek and Davies Creek.

Over and above these individual reports, the Site-based Regional Perspective report allows for an assessment and consideration of patterns, pressures and changes which transcend particular sites to provide a composite, more integrated picture of visitor impacts across the entire region.

The survey generated an enormous amount of data from 2,780 questionnaires, 320 hours of vehicle and visitor monitoring,12 months' traffic counter data, and detailed inventories of individual site layout, design, infrastructure, signage and incidental behavioural observations recorded during questionnaire administration. The questionnaire covered visitation patterns, visitor profiles, reasons for visiting, visitor perceptions of the natural, social and built environments, visitor satisfaction, experience and recreational opportunities, information and communication on site, and prior information sources.

See also The Role of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area in the Life of the Community

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Download Report:

Measuring and Monitoring Impacts of Visitation and Use in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area 2001/2002: A Site Based Bioregional Perspective (3.9 Mb)

Site-level Data Reports:

Barron Falls (3.4 Mb)
Big Crystal Creek (2.7 Mb)
Davies Creek (2.4 Mb)
Mossman Gorge (2.8 Mb)
The Crater (2.8 Mb)
Lake Barrine (2.4 Mb)
Marrdja Boardwalk (2.3 Mb)
Murray Falls (3.3 Mb)
Henrietta Creek (2.3 Mb)
Goldsborough Valley (2.0 Mb)

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