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Report No. 51

Monitoring Revegetation Projects for Biodiversity in Rainforest Landscapes

Monitoring Toolkit
John Kanowski and Carla P. Catterall
ISBN 0 86443 767 6

Important Notice
Although this website will not be modified after September 2006, production of these toolkits is an ongoing project. After September 2006, further amendments, upgrades and supporting materials will be available from one or both of the following websites:

FNQ NRM Ltd (Far North Queensland Natural Resource Management)

Centre for Innovative Conservation Strategies, Griffith University

Extract from Section 1 Introduction

Purpose of the Toolkit

This toolkit was written to assist landholders, community groups and revegetation practitioners to monitor the outcomes of revegetation projects for biodiversity. Other objectives of revegetation, such as catchment protection or timber production, are not covered here. The toolkit was developed for rainforest revegetation projects in eastern Australia.

Researchers from the Rainforest CRC have developed the toolkit with the assistance of restoration practitioners. We have tried to make the toolkit 'as simple as possible while still being useful'. Feedback from users is welcome and will be used to improve future versions of the toolkit.

Scope of the Toolkit

This version of the toolkit includes five sections that provide (a) background information on monitoring and revegetation; (b) information on the design of monitoring programs; (c) proformas for recording the on-ground works done in a revegetation project; (d) protocols and proformas for monitoring 'basic indicators' of revegetation projects; and (e) information on data management, analysis and evaluation.

Future versions of the toolkit will provide information, protocols and proformas for monitoring 'advanced indicators' (e.g. flora, fauna and ecological processes) in revegetated sites.

Data Entry, Analysis and Evaluation

A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (Basic_Indicator_data_file.xls) has been written to accompany this toolkit, to help store, analyse and summarise the data collected from monitoring revegetated sites. The spreadsheet includes:

See also 'Data Entry,
Analysis and Evaluation',
below left.

  • a page of explanatory 'read me' notes;
  • pages to record data from a number of monitoring surveys of a revegetated site, including a baseline survey;
  • pages to record surveys of reference sites;
  • a page which automatically summarises the data; and
  • a page which creates graphs of trends in the revegetated site over time, and compares these trends with values of attributes recorded in reference sites.

Download Basic Indicator Data File
(Zip File)

Download file is a PDF document that is designed to be printed using the duplex feature on your printer (i.e. double-sided).

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