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Report No. 42

Guide to Monitoring Phytophthora-related Dieback in the Wet Tropics of North Queensland

Best Practice Manual
Stuart J. Worboys
ISBN 0 86443 755 2
Extract from Introduction

Dieback caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi has had a devastating effect on forests, heathlands and woodlands across the wetter areas of Australia. The pathogenic fungus-like organism is believed to have been introduced during European settlement and now affects hundreds of thousands of hectares of native vegetation, impacting significantly on biodiversity values and threatening the survival of some species. In response to the threat it poses to biodiversity, P. cinnamomi has been identified as a 'Key Threatening Process' under the Commonwealth's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. A national Threat Abatement Plan has also been developed to prioritise actions for its control.

This guide to monitoring Phytophthora-related dieback establishes the procedures for collecting data from monitoring sites. It details the methods that are to be used in collecting data so that information can be compared between years. It also includes:

  • Detailed site descriptions and site locations;
  • A suggested layout for the data recording sheets used in monitoring;
  • Clear criteria by which tree health can be assessed;
  • Species lists from each monitoring site; and
  • Copies of data from previous monitoring events and a blank database for use in entering data.

Monitoring sites have been established throughout the Wet Tropics and two tree health assessments have been carried out by James Cook University. It is anticipated that the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service will take a leading role in coordinating future monitoring events.

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