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Report No. 44

Pre-processing Methodology for Application to Landsat TM/ETM+ Imagery of the Wet Tropics

Research Report
Caroline M. Bruce and David W. Hilbert
ISBN 0 86443 760 9


This report details the various pre-processing techniques that are recommended for application to multispectral Landsat satellite imagery of the Queensland Wet Tropics region prior to further processing, either to derive multitemporal and multispatial image classifications or to use in biophysical/geochemical modeling. These techniques are discussed specifically as they apply to the two most recent generations of Landsat scanning sensors, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+).

Techniques presented in this report were applied to the Landsat imagery acquired by Project 2.3 of the Rainforest CRC, the outputs of which include information on landcover and its change within the Wet Tropics region.

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