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Report No. 20

Services and Dis-services of Rainforest Insects to Crops in North Queensland: What We Know, What We Need to Know, Why it is Important

Research Report
R. Blanche, R. Bauer, S. Cunningham and R. Floyd

Rainforest CRC researchers have examined the roles of rainforest insects to determine the benefits and the problems they present to crops in the Atherton region of north Queensland by comparing pollination, herbivory and biological control of pest arthropods in production systems adjacent to rainforest with those far from rainforest. The economic significance of these services and dis-services was evaluated by estimating the cost of providing the services in other ways and the extent of losses caused by pests. Ultimately, this research will allow the contributions of rainforest insects to be better incorporated into decision-making on crop management and natural resource use.

This report summarises an initial survey of existing information about production systems and the insects found in them based on published information and consultation with growers, land managers and other researchers.

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