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Report No. 41

Rainforest Dieback Mapping and Assessment: 2004 Monitoring Report Including an Assessment of Dieback in High Altitude Rainforests

Research Report
Stuart J. Worboys
ISBN 0 86443 758 7
Extract from Section One Introduction

Dieback caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi has had a devastating impact on forests, heathlands and woodlands across the wetter areas of Australia.

In response to the threat it poses to biodiversity at a national scale, P. cinnamomi has been identified as a 'Key Threatening Process' under the Commonwealth's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. A National Threat Abatement Plan has been developed to prioritise actions for its control.

Gadek and Worboys highlighted the need to continue the monitoring of patch death areas [associated with P. cinnamomi] and also expressed a strong concern regarding the presence of dieback on high altitude ridgelines in the Wet Tropics. The Wet Tropics Management Authority funded investigations in 2004 to address these concerns.

This report documents the results of dieback monitoring that was undertaken between April and June 2004, and provides a discussion of the outcomes of the monitoring site assessments established on Mount Bartle Frere. Also included is a report of the results of investigations undertaken on high altitude ridgelines on Mount Bellender Ker.


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