Aims of the Tropical Forest Research Series
The Tropical Forest Research Series aims to provide a medium for the dissemination of ecological research to scientists and land managers who are actively working in the Wet Tropics of north Queensland and require access to detailed data sets and descriptions of methodology.
Papers on both fundamental and applied research in all areas of ecology are welcomed. The series is intended to provide an outlet for good quality research data that:
• is useful for managers or scientists
• is of significance to the Wet Tropics region of North Queensland, and
• would not normally be publishable in research journals either because of its regional focus or space limitations precluding the inclusion of extensive data sets (e.g. long species lists)
Simple tables of data, maps etc. without accompanying manuscripts describing objectives and methodology are not acceptable. Literature reviews, opinion papers, or discussions of policy that are more appropriate for a wider audience will not be accepted for review or publication.
Potential authors are required to contact the Series Editor to ensure appropriateness of content before submitting a manuscript and the Series Editor's decision is final.
Email: Telephone: +61 7 4091 8800